L’OIP se félicite de l’annonce par le Bundeskartellamt, l’autorité de la concurrence allemande, de la mise en œuvre d’une procédure formelle à l’encontre de Google et de sa maison-mère Alphabet.
Agreeing with the analyses of our association and data protection authorities across the European Union, the Bundeskartellamt believes that the American group must change the way it collects and cross-references the personal data of Internet users through its various services, allowing it to gain an unfair competitive advantage over its competitors.
According to the Bundeskartellamt’s analysis, Google currently allows itself to combine data from its various services, for example, for the purpose of very detailed advertising user profiles or to train functions provided by services, including through the Google Play services integrated into many apps for Android devices.
However, the preliminary conclusions of the German competition authority show that Google does not offer European users sufficient choice to make an informed objection to this processing of their data across services. Google is using this consent defect to obtain data that its competitors cannot obtain, and thus ensure that their products are not competitive.
Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 – l.k@openinternetproject.eu
Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 – anais.strauss@openinternetproject.eu