Learn more about our actions to ensure net neutrality by contributing to a healthy and fair competitive environment.

The digital world cannot be dominated by one, two or three global players with the power to determine the rules and operating principles, and to decide who has the right to be part of the digital world and who does not.

OIP interpelle les candidats présidentielle 2022

The Open Internet Project challenges the candidates for the french presidential election

With 60 days to go before the first round of the presidential election, the Open Internet Project (OIP), a European association of organizations and European digital industrialists, calls on all the candidates for the presidential election on the digital sites which must quickly evolve so that the Internet giants – mostly foreign – stop abusing their ultra-dominant positions, and so that a truly sovereign digital industry emerges.

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Reforme mesures provisoires

Provisional (precautionary) measures

Twitter Linkedin Provisional (precautionary) measures Reform this essential tool in order to reduce procedural delays. Faced with Google’s abuse of a dominant position, from which whole sections of the European

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Google Search

Google Search Case (Shopping)

Twitter Linkedin Google Search Case (Shopping) Prevent Google from abusing its ultra-dominant position in the search engine market by promoting its own price comparison service. In May 2015, after seven

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