About us

The European association Open Internet Project (OIP) was founded in May 2014 by several digital companies (Axel Springer, GESTE, LeGuide.com, Synhorcat GNI, etc.) to fight against abuses of dominant position as well as all attacks on free competition on the European digital market.

In this perspective, OIP fights for a healthy and balanced competitive environment in which French and European champions will be able to emerge and develop without fearing abuses of dominant position by the market structuring platforms.


Vision and missions

Learn more about our actions to ensure net neutrality by contributing to a healthy and fair competitive environment

The digital world cannot be dominated by one, two or three global players with the power to determine the rules and operating principles, and to decide who has the right to be part of the digital world and who does not.

Join our initiative!

Request the membership form.
Let us know about your competitive issues.

Presse française :
Nicolas Bec

+33 (0) 6 16 82 87 22

Presse européenne :
Samuel Rousseau

+33 (0)1 58 47 89 54

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91