The Open Internet Project welcomes French Competition Authority's decision to fine Google €250 million for non-compliance of related rights
All the members of the European association Open Internet Project (OIP) welcome the decision taken by the French Competition Authority (ADLC) to fine Google €250 million for non-compliance with its commitments, made mandatory within the legislative framework relating to related rights.

This is the fourth decision issued by the ADLC since the adoption of the French law of 24 July 2019 on related rights against Google, which continues to violate a particularly important law, aiming to create the necessary conditions for balanced negotiations between press agencies, publishers and digital platforms, and to address the profound changes affecting the press sector, and the fact that a significant share of advertising value is now held by the major digital platforms.

Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –
Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –