EUCS : OIP joins Cigref in expressing its concerns to the European Commission
“Such disparity in the defense of citizens’ interests in the processing of their data, from one side of the Atlantic to the other, is striking.”

As the new version of the EUCS is being examined by experts from the European Union’s certification group from April 15, the cloud and digital value chain players who are members of the Open Internet Project – OIP – are giving their full support to the open letter sent by Cigref to the President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen, on April 11, expressing the legitimate concerns of the European digital industry as a whole, and of its users, regarding guarantees of immunity from non-European legislation with extraterritorial scope for data and its associated processing, concerning the most sensitive data.
Clearly, the high standards expected since the start of work on the EUCS have waned, with sovereignty requirements no longer appearing in the 221-page document presented on March 22, and due to be submitted for discussion from April 15, 2024.
This erasure of the European Union’s sovereignty ambitions coincides with the extension of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which gives the US secret services access to our personal data, and Joe Biden’s executive order restricting the transfer of US citizens’ data to other states !

While European cloud companies are working to develop systems for maximum security of sensitive data, requiring considerable investment and development,

Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –