Actualités EN

Google appeals to overturn antitrust fine at top EU court 13 years after the opening of the Google Shopping case: OIP recalls the imperative need to reduce the extreme length of legal procedures!

Google appeals to overturn antitrust fine at top EU court 13 years after the opening of the Google Shopping case: OIP recalls the imperative need to reduce the extreme length of legal procedures!

As Google’s appeal in the Google Shopping case opens this week before the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, the European association Open Internet Project (OIP) recalls the importance of this historical case, which confirmed the principle that a digital player in a dominant position cannot favor its own services in a privileged way.

OIP once again regrets Google’s delaying tactics, which have led it to continue its anti-competitive practices, and reiterates its call for interim measures to be taken as soon as the litigious behavior becomes known, so that it can be brought to an end immediately.

As the EU court has confirmed, preferential treatment is a prohibited discriminatory practice, and condemned as so. OIP, along with all European digital players, has been calling on the regulator for the past ten years to fight these illegal practices strongly and swiftly against all tech players abusing their dominant position! Google’s appeal against the judgement shows that these tech giants have no intention of respecting the startup ecosystem, which can only exist with free, fair and undistorted competitive conditions.

« Google's latest attempt to have part of the decision cancelled illustrates a major structural problem for its rivals: European legal procedures take too long. As a reminder, the Google Shopping case was opened 13 years ago! »
says Quentin Adam
Président of the OIP et CEO of Clever Cloud.

Not only does this extreme length hinder the development of healthy market conditions for competitors, but European consumers are ultimately deprived of choice and alternatives. Let’s not forget: for these 13 long years, Google has continued to promote its price comparator, without any adequate solution being put in place until now. And many competitors are now dead and no longer around to witness the trial.

«The only effective legal tool for quickly interrupting anti-competitive practices is interim measures, and the OIP continues to campaign for a modification of one European regulation to make them effective!»
says Léonidas Kalogeropoulos
General Delegate of the OIP


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

The Open Internet Project welcomes the withdrawal of Fiona Scott Morton’s candidacy as Chief Competition Economist at the European Commission

The Open Internet Project welcomes the withdrawal of Fiona Scott Morton's candidacy as Chief Competition Economist at the European Commission

L’OIP welcomes Fiona Scott Morton’s decision to resign from the position of Chief Competition Economist offered to her by the European Commission

This resignation comes just hours after a parliamentary hearing during which the Commission Vice-President responsible for competition, Margrethe Vestager, did not dispel any doubts as to the appropriateness of the appointment.

It was impossible to maintain such an appointment, given that the hearing revealed that all Fiona Scott Morton’s conflicts of interest – in particular with major US companies – had still not been listed by the Commission, that the list would be kept confidential, and that no security clearance would be issued. The Chief Competition Economist has access to the entire European judicial strategy in the fight against abuses of dominant positions, and it was of course incongruous to ask the USA to ensure the probity of its own national. Appointing an American, and for the first time in the history of the European Union departing from the principle of appointing only citizens of the European Union to key administrative positions, was a mistake that seriously undermined the EU’s ambition for sovereignty.

OIP is grateful for the commitment of the French authorities, and first and foremost that of President Emmanuel Macron, who forcefully reiterated the importance of defending Europe’s strategic autonomy. From the outset, Minister Jean-Noël Barrot took up the issue, understanding all the stakes involved, and called for the appointment to be withdrawn. OIP also welcomes the exceptional mobilization of parliamentarians, civil society, and professional organizations.

The association now hopes that a new Chief Competition Economist will soon be appointed, and that the work accomplished by Margrethe Vestager and her teams in the fight against abuses of position by international digital giants will continue and intensify. The coming into force of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) is an important moment for the European digital industry, and OIP has high expectations of its implementation by the European Commission.


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

Welcome to Captain Data!

Welcome to Captain Data!

The European association Open Internet Project (OIP) is proud to announce the membership of Captain Data and welcomes the entire team of this French start-up!

The OIP continues to grow, bringing together all the European digital players who share a common vision of digital sovereignty and respect for competition rules. With Captain Data, a no-code platform that automates the retrieval of external data, a new member of the tech community has joined the battles led by the OIP.

Captain Data is a French startup born in 2018 whose no-code platform designed for operational teams allows the creation and enrichment of databases from web sources (web scraping). As a direct player in web scraping, Captain Data is at the heart of the transformation and use of web data and aims, as such, to provide free access to it for the greatest number of users. In this context, Captain Data is perfectly in line with OIP’s ideal of working for the neutrality of the Internet outside of the diktat imposed by a limited number of digital actors. It is therefore with enthusiasm that Captain Data is happy to join the OIP family.

« I have been following the activities of Captain Data for several years now, and it is a French start-up that wishes to join the battles led by the OIP. We are very happy that our membership campaign has found such a favorable echo among the dynamic actors of European tech. Our strength is to bring together the entire ecosystem, which allows us to speak with one voice. Welcome to Captain Data! »
says Quentin Adam
CEO of Clever Cloud and President of the OIP
« Captain Data fully shares the fights of the OIP. As a start-up, Captain Data is particularly attentive to the fact that young tech players can make a place for themselves in a fair competitive environment, where innovation, ingenuity and quality of service prevail over abuse of dominant position. We are delighted to be leading this fight alongside the members of the OIP! »
says Guillaume Odier
CEO and co-founder of Captain Data


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

The OIP is very pleased to announce the membership of Cloud Temple!

The OIP is very pleased to announce the membership of Cloud Temple!

The European association Open Internet Project (OIP) is pleased to announce the membership of Cloud Temple.

Last year, the association succeeded in unifying many French and European cloud players, with the common objective of bringing together all the companies that represent the cloud value chain in France and Europe. Cloud Temple’s membership is an additional step within the OIP, which the members are delighted about.

For nearly 20 years, Cloud Temple’s mission has been to guarantee digital confidence by placing security and sovereignty in the centre of the information systems of industrial and public players. To achieve this, Cloud Temple provides long-term support for the digital transformation of its customers, and provides them a cloud environment that meets the highest standards of security and sovereignty. Its sovereign cloud platform is SecNumCloud qualified and HDS certified.

« We are delighted to see that the cloud ecosystem is coming together within the OIP, and I am very happy to have Cloud Temple among us! The sovereign cloud is in the process of becoming more structured in France, which is why the OIP's objective is to enable players in the sector to define their strategic priorities, by providing expertise and expert knowledge on a wide variety of anti-competitive issues and practices, which we denounce along with the other OIP members. The Cloud market is a strategic market; France has a high level of expertise, and it is imperative to fight to ensure that the market is not preempted by American players, in particular with practices that are similar to dumping! »
underlines Quentin Adam
President of the OIP
«In an uncertain geopolitical and economic context, the sovereignty of digital infrastructures is a key issue for public authorities and companies alike. It is a condition for the strategic autonomy of the French economy, and the first line of defence against the rise of cyber threats. This is why we are convinced that it is important to build the trusted digital ecosystem, to move forward in a synchronised manner and accelerate the reindustrialisation of the sector. By joining the OIP, Cloud Temple is strengthening its ability to contribute to the great edifice of French economic and industrial sovereignty »
says Sébastien Lescop
Director General of Cloud Temple


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

“Google’s digital advertising practices represent a systematic plundering of traditional media”

"Google's digital advertising practices represent a systematic plundering of traditional media"

The European association Open Internet Project (OIP) recognises in the proceedings initiated by the US Department of Justice against Google Alphabet, the questioning of systemic practices that the ADLC already had the opportunity to condemn in the amount to 220 million euros in 2021.

According to the American press, the antitrust proceedings initiated by the Department of Justice could result in a recommendation to dismantle Google and its head company Alphabet. The Open Internet Project has long been convinced that the concentration in Google’s hands of the dominant activities of publishing service platforms (such as e-mail or video), advertising services, publishing the web browser, search engine, mobile operating system or distributing mobile applications can only lead Google to abuse this confusion, to the detriment of free and undistorted competition.

This is illustrated by the large number of condemnations of Google. The OIP therefore believes that a dismantling of the Alphabet group and a splitting of Google’s activities into several legally, economically and technologically independent entities would be an effective and necessary solution, provided that such a dismantling is accompanied by the implementation of “algorithmic remedies”, i.e. remedies prohibiting the new entities resulting from the dismantling from using algorithms allowing them to combine their data on a large scale.

Besides Google’s competitors in digital advertising, the victims of these practices are the traditional media, which see the fair revenues to which they are entitled in the digital advertising market slip away in the opacity of billions of second transactions.

While the media and “pure players” represent 25% of the audience share on the Internet, they hardly represent 10 to 15% of the digital advertising market share, which means a loss of 800 million to 1 billion euros per year for the media that sustain culture and democracy in France.
« Getting back these phenomenal resources to ensure the financing of the media that keep the news alive is a decisive issue for the upcoming Estates General on the right to information called for by the President of the Republic and announced by the Minister of Culture. It is time to put an end to the systematic plundering of the digital advertising market by Google for its own benefit »
says Léonidas Kalogeropoulos
Delegate general


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

 OIP welcomes the Statement of objections issued by the Bundeskartellamt against Google’s preferential treatment of its data processing terms  

OIP welcomes the Statement of objections issued by the Bundeskartellamt against Google’s preferential treatment of its data processing terms

L’OIP se félicite de l’annonce par le Bundeskartellamt, l’autorité de la concurrence allemande, de la mise en œuvre d’une procédure formelle à l’encontre de Google et de sa maison-mère Alphabet.

Agreeing with the analyses of our association and data protection authorities across the European Union, the Bundeskartellamt believes that the American group must change the way it collects and cross-references the personal data of Internet users through its various services, allowing it to gain an unfair competitive advantage over its competitors.

According to the Bundeskartellamt’s analysis, Google currently allows itself to combine data from its various services, for example, for the purpose of very detailed advertising user profiles or to train functions provided by services, including through the Google Play services integrated into many apps for Android devices.

However, the preliminary conclusions of the German competition authority show that Google does not offer European users sufficient choice to make an informed objection to this processing of their data across services. Google is using this consent defect to obtain data that its competitors cannot obtain, and thus ensure that their products are not competitive.

"In Europe, compliance with the protective rules of the GDPR is essential not only for the right to data protection of European citizens, but also to ensure a fair level of competition between all players. Players like Google must be prohibited from coming to Europe without accepting the rules scrupulously respected by European players, and Google must be prevented from benefiting from the continued and repeated violation of European law,"
says Leonidas Kalogeropoulos
Delegate general
The OIP is pleased that the Bundeskartellamt intends to use its enforcement powers under Section 19a of the German Competition Act to prohibit Google from continuing practices that are illegal under German and European law. At the European Union level, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) should also allow the Commission to prohibit such practices as soon as they are detected.
"OIP calls for the DMA to be implemented as quickly and effectively as possible. We must fight to ensure that illegal and abusive practices that impede competition and undermine consumer rights stop as soon as they occur, and this requires both protective measures and uncompromising enforcement of the DMA's dispositions,"
declares Quentin Adam


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

Data Act: measures must apply to all cloud offers, without exception

Data Act: measures must apply to all cloud offers, without exception!

The Open Internet Project calls on European co-legislators not to introduce exceptions for cloud services

Data act

As discussions on the Data Act accelerate in the European Parliament, the European association Open Internet Project (OIP) wishes to warn against any measure that would aim to exempt certain categories of cloud offerings from the obligations of the Data Act.

Indeed, some published amendments propose to exempt all trial offers from the prohibitions on barriers to free choice of cloud provider and data reversibility. So, for example, cloud providers could accumulate and store all user data during a free or promotional trial period, but charge for its retrieval upon exit for the only purpose of dissuading users from signing a contract with a competing cloud provider. The OIP points out that the cloud market is unfortunately often characterized by trial offers over several months or even years, or offered credits worth several hundred thousand euros. Such offers accelerate the market capture and are traps to lock users in for the long term.

Indeed, early amendments propose to exempt trial offers from the prohibitions on the free choice of the cloud provider choice and the reversibility of data. Therefore, cloud providers could accumulate and store all user data during a free or promotional trial period, but charge for its retrieval upon exit, for the sole purpose of deterring users from signing a contract with a competing alternative cloud provider. The OIP reminds that the cloud market is unfortunately often characterized by trial offers over several months or even several years, or by offered credits worth several hundred thousand euros. Such offers accelerate the capture of the market and are traps to lock users in.

In this context, OIP recalls that egress fees represent a major obstacle to the emergence of healthy and fair competition and therefore to innovation in a growing market, as well as to the free flow of data in the European internal market. Indeed, it is particularly expensive for a user to switch from one cloud service to another, or to combine cloud services from different providers, due to artificially high exit fees systematically imposed by the market leaders. These excessive costs, without any economic or technical justification, can only be rationally explained in terms of a desire to artificially curb the freedom to choose one’s cloud provider.

« We absolutely do not understand the logic of wanting to exempt from the Data Act - a very important text for the future of our sector - the trial offers from the obligations of a future regulation that is so crucial for the development of a healthy competition on the cloud market. Europeans are excelling in the field of the cloud with the implementation of innovative and efficient services for European users. We cannot weaken a whole sector of excellence by adopting legislation that would favor aggressive and restrictive business practices! »
says Quentin Adam
CEO of Clever Cloud and President of the OIP
«The Open Internet Project is an association committed to the development of healthy and fair competition in the European digital market. We are extremely concerned by certain proposals envisaged in the Data Act, which would encourage an anti-competitive practice that we denounce, even though it is a text that should protect our European champions and not weaken them! We call for the removal of any amendment aiming at creating such exceptions in order to build a legislative framework that respects European values and offers European companies the opportunity to propose alternative and efficient cloud offers! »
says Léonidas Kalogeropoulos
General Delegate of the OIP


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

The OIP association is very pleased to welcome École Hexagone as a new member!

The OIP is very pleased to welcome Hexagone School as a new member!

The OIP welcomes for the first time a member in the domain of higher education and training!

The Open Internet Project (OIP) association is very pleased to welcome École Hexagone as a new member! This is the first time that a school forming our future engineers, computer scientists and developers joins the OIP, in order to participate actively in the work and actions of the association, aiming to denounce and correct the abuses of dominant position, while extending its prerogatives to the issues related to education.

Indeed, many French schools that train students for digital professions work closely with American tech giants, “locking” their students into American software ecosystems, who later in their professional careers often become natural ambassadors for these solutions in the companies that hire them. At the end of their training, many graduates leave France or the European Union to be hired by the American tech giants, who often offer very high salaries that they compensate by their business practices based on dominant positions, which their French competitors cannot match.

The Hexagone School, Great School of French Digital Sovereignty, created in 2020, currently has two campuses in France, in Clermont-Ferrand and Versailles, and will have nearly 200 students at the beginning of the school year. The academic programs of the 4 tracks; Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Master’s degrees in Information Systems Architecture, Artificial Intelligence and Cyberdefense, are built around and with French publishers and manufacturers; Stormshield, 3DS Outscale, Scaleway, HarfangLab, Olvid, etc.

"I am very pleased that OIP is expanding its list of members. Thanks to the Hexagon School's membership, we will be able to highlight all the fundamental issues that arise from the organization of digital education in France, which is often too closely linked to American software and companies. We need to train our future developers in French and European tools, and sensitize them about issues of technological and digital sovereignty. For example, when it comes to cyber-defense and artificial intelligence, it is fundamental to realize that dependence on American companies and their software causes serious problems in many very sensitive areas. I am therefore very happy to attack this new angle, together with our new member!”
says Quentin Adam
CEO of Clever Cloud and President of the OIP
«I am honored by the trust placed in us by the Open Internet Project, which recognizes our vision and our work. We are forming the next technicians and engineers in computer science for French companies and industries. Our role is to educate them on sovereign technologies in order to get out of the straitjacket imposed by the American actors in particular. We are delighted to join the OIP, because we want to work as a team, with the various actors of the digital sovereignty. We believe that it is as a team that we will succeed in leading and winning the various battles »
specifies Sébastien Dhérines
President of the École Hexagone

All the members of the OIP welcome the Hexagon School!


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

OIP continues to expand: Welcome to Jamespot!

OIP continues to expand: Welcome to Jamespot!

The Open Internet Project (OIP) is pleased to announce the membership of Jamespot ! 

Jamespot is a French startup that develops a complete internal communication and collaboration platform, expanding the list of OIP members that develop and host their digital solutions in Europe.

The European ecosystem of efficient and sovereign digital solutions continues to grow, which is an excellent signal not only for consumers, who benefit of innovative solutions, but also for public authorities, who are increasingly concerned with the issue of digital and technological sovereignty. Like many other OIP members, Jamespot faces a challenging competitive environment with abuse of dominant positions, which the association is committed to fight.

Jamespot is a provider of internal communication and collaboration solutions in the cloud. The Jamespot solution is an intranet, an internal social network or a digital workplace, according to the organizations that deploy it. It answers to all the needs and business challenges of its customers thanks to the modularity of its platform and its app store. In 2021, Jamespot has grouped its applications to compose 4 complete product suites: Open Agora – the internal social network, Fast Intranet – the communication intranet, Diapazone – meeting facilitation and WeDoc – online sovereign office automation. Jamespot supports the daily life of more than 400 organizations and 400,000 users around the world.

"There are more and more of us in the IOP, fighting for a competitive and fair digital environment. This is a key battle, and I am delighted that Jamespot has joined our movement and shares our values and ambitions! It is imperative that we join our forces, in order to raise the voice of the French tech ecosystem! I am amazed by the performance of the solutions developed in France; it is fundamental to promote them in order to become more and more independent from American solutions, developed by tech giants that do not respect our values or our laws!"
underlines Quentin Adam
CEO of Clever Cloud and President of the OIP
"Joining OIP for Jamespot is to consolidate this increasingly connected ecosystem of European solutions that are growing with ambition, in complete independence and with respect for the values that made Europe. The Internet is one of the most beautiful human achievements in the technological field. We must protect the values that make it up, including the values of openness and justice,"
say Alain Garnier,
President of Jamespot

All the members of the OIP welcome Jamespot!


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91

Actualités EN

Welcome to OVHcloud!

Welcome to OVHcloud!

The European association Open Internet Project (OIP) is very pleased to announce the membership of OVHcloud!

With this new member, OIP looks forward to continue to work on competitive issues related to the cloud marker. Indeed, OVHcloud, Scaleway and Clever Cloud three emblematic and major players of the French cloud, committed to digital sovereignty and respect for market ruleswish to bring their expertise and share their visions of a competitive and fair European cloud market, and thus support the actions of OIP which aim to fight against any abuse of dominant position on tech markets.

OVHcloud is a global player and the European leader in the Cloud, operating more than 400,000 servers in 33 datacenters located on 4 different continents. Based on a unique integrated model, the group manages its entire value chain to deploy a more environmentally friendly cloud. This unique approach allows the company to innovate continuously to independently cover all the uses of its 1.6 million customers around the world. OVHcloudoffers the latest solutions that combine performance, price predictability and complete sovereignty over their data to support their growth in complete freedom.

« I am very pleased that OVHcloud has joined the OIP! We had the objective to expand the OIP in the coming months, and the two recent memberships of Scaleway and OVHcloud are emblematic of our ambitions and objectives: to become an even more powerful association in the service of healthy and fair competition in the European digital market! As CEO of Clever Cloud, it has never seemed so important and crucial to me to combine the strengths of the "fair play" players, in order to truly influence the future decisions that will have to be taken by our Governments in order to favor innovative, competitive European players, always at the service of their customers! »
says Quentin Adam
CEO de Clever Cloud and Président of OIP
« OVHcloud has always placed the collective at the heart of its approach. Thanks to a strong ecosystem of partners, we have the ambition to promote an innovative, sustainable and efficient technology that respects our European values. By joining the Open Internet Project, we are even more committed to promoting and defending in Paris and Brussels the conditions for a dynamic and fair cloud market for all players in our industry and for the benefit of our users' freedom of choice »
adds Michel Paulin
CEO of OVHcloud

All OIP members welcome OVHcloud and look forward to working together to pursue their common goals!


Léonidas Kalogeropoulos, Délégué Général : +33607315126 –

Anaïs Strauss, Chargée de mission :+33757503010 –

26, rue de l’Université • 75007 Paris
+33 (0)1 53 45 91 91